The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph

by ©LPi — Father John Muir  |  12/31/2023  |  Gospel Meditation

I remember the first time my older sister asked me if I wanted to hold her newborn son. Terrified, I told her I didn’t think it was a good idea. My résumé had nothing to suggest I would be a qualified baby holder. But she warmly told me, “I’ll help you hold him.” It struck me that she is baby’s mother. She is the one who decides who is qualified to hold him. I took him in my arms and soon I began to feel comfortable with that tiny little warm cooing creature in my arms, and soon I no longer feared holding him. Now, twenty-seven nieces and nephews later, holding a newborn child is one of the great joys of my life.


The Nativity of the Lord

by ©LPi — Father John Muir  |  12/24/2023  |  Gospel Meditation

“She gave birth to her firstborn son.” The pain of childbirth is something that boggles my mind. I’m sure I couldn’t handle it. I can’t even watch scenes in movies in which a woman gives birth. I understand it’s a beautiful part of nature, but there’s still something awful about it and the attendant suffering.

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3rd Sunday of Advent: Bear Witness to the Light

by ©LPi Father John Muir  |  12/17/2023  |  Gospel Meditation

Why do we believe in Jesus and the Catholic Church? Why should we continue to do so? We’ve never seen him face-to-face (at least not most of us, I assume). Most of us have never had mystical visions of angels or saints. We live in the same world as our atheist and secularists friends. Why do we believe in Christ if we’ve never seen him?


2nd Sunday of Advent

by ©LPi — Father John Muir  |  12/10/2023  |  Gospel Meditation

We like to think we are totally free, but the bitter truth is we simply are not. Or better put, our freedom is limited on every side — by governments, corporate giants, physical and mental frailties, genetic shortcomings, and even the boundaries of time and space, and above all, the burden of our sins and pending deaths. In our day, we are perhaps particularly aware that we are not free to disconnect from the technocratic rulers of the air. If you doubt me, try not paying your internet bill and see what happens. We are not totally free.


1st Sunday of Advent

by ©LPi — Father John Muir  |  12/03/2023  |  Gospel Meditation

Lately I’ve been listening to a science-based podcast on healthy daily living. The host frequently discusses the wide range of health benefits of sleep. So, each night I’m trying to get more, and better, slumber, and it’s helping me feel energized. So, why in the world should we follow Christ’s advice this week? “Watch therefore, for you do not know when the master of the house will come … lest he find you asleep.” Isn’t sleep, especially at midnight and cockcrow, a good thing?
