Crux Bible Study Program
Stories are an important part of our day-to-day lives. We lose ourselves in their pages, we read them to our children, and watch them unfold before us on stage and screen. They help to reveal us to ourselves and often inspire lasting change.
Even the structure of stories resonates with us, in large measure because they mirror the very structure of our lives: from the highest peaks to the deepest depths, the hero undergoes a journey that she hopes will end in success.
Similarly, we are the protagonist/hero in the narrative of our own lives, but without a deep and abiding knowledge of God’s story of salvation and our place in that story, we can at times feel spiritually aimless and without a clear sense of purpose. If you have ever felt this way, perhaps the CRUX is for you. Come join us in August!,
The CRUX is a five-week online Bible study for adults that offers a deep-dive into the most essential parts of God’s story, along with opportunities for discussion and fellowship. It is completely free, and there is no required homework from week to week.