Homily series on the Mass: Introductory rites
by Fr. Chad King | 12/13/2022 | Homily Series on the MassThe quotes are taken directly from General Instruction on the Roman Missal (GIRM) - found in front of big Roman Missal the priest prays from - which gives instructions and directions to clergy and laity of how the Liturgy (Mass) is to be celebrated.
The purpose of this entire homily series is to help us get more out of Mass. For many years I went to Mass every Sunday growing up, thinking why am I going when it is boring and I don’t get anything out of it. It really wasn’t until seminary, and I read the General Instruction (GIRM) that I realized that there was an instruction of how the priest and people are to celebrate Mass in the first place. I learned that we are to really pray the Mass instead of just be there physically but not always mentally engaged, like I was doing for years. Some things you hear might be different than what you’ve known or seen, as we know there are different ways the Mass has been celebrated, but everything we say will be what the Church instructs. And hopefully understanding more of what and why the Church instructs will help us know and appreciate what is really happening at Mass so that we can get more out of it.