Homebound Ministers
Communion Ministers to the Sick and Homebound are regularly appointed Communion Ministers assigned to the St. Gabriel the Archangel.
These ministers have volunteered to bring the Body of Christ to those unable to receive in any other manner. This is truly a spiritually rewarding experience for all involved. To proclaim God's word in the midst of the assembly and to minister the Eucharist to one's fellow pilgrims are honored offices in the believing community. Those who carry Holy Communion to the sick and persons otherwise confined, therefore, continue the community's act of worship. They extend the community's embrace to include those unable to be physically present. It is most fitting that they go directly from the Sunday or daily Eucharist to the sick or homebound.
All volunteers must complete the Safe Environment Training (SET) requirements through the Diocese. For more information on these requirements, please contact Deb Vinci at set@stgacc.org or in the parish office at 480-595-0883.