Monica's Circle

Monica’s Circle is a widows’ social ministry. Our group is named after St. Monica, the patron saint for widows.

We join together as a group to attend social functions, like taking trips, attending concerts, parish functions, going to lunch, etc. We hold no meetings and pay no dues. Using e-mail and the phone we notify everyone of an upcoming activity; the decision to join the activity is left up to each individual.

Please call parish office at (480) 595-0883 or email for more information.

Our mission

Our mission is to provide the friendship and sisterhood that normally is absent for women who are alone. We meet for social reasons. Our activities are decided in advance. We meet to carpool and attend lunches, parish functions, or whatever other activity that interests us. Currently we are discussing expanding our list of activities to include other activities like going to the movies, visiting museums, etc.

Ladies joining Monica’s circle are either widowed or otherwise alone and interested in attending social activities. Our activities are those that interest women. Our time together is to enjoy an activity and each others’ company.